Family Services

Financial Aid, After-School Care, Transportation
“It is the responsibility of the entire Catholic community - bishops, priests, deacons, religious, and laity - to continue to strive towards the goal of making our Catholic elementary and secondary schools available, accessible, and affordable to all Catholic parents and their children...”
USCCB, “Renewing Our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium, 2005

Financial Aid

Practicing Catholic families have a right to a truly Catholic education.  This is why Lourdes Classical strives to partner with foundations and individuals in an effort to make tuition affordable.


We offer after-school care until 6:00 PM.  We also offer various enrichment programs such as chess club and Logos Club.

For more information, email, call 303-722-7525, or submit the following form and we will contact you.


Our transportation services are currently suspended until we find a bus driver.

For more information, email or call 303-722-7525.  Or submit the following form, and we will contact you.

For more information on Financial Aid, LASER, or Transportation, email, call 303-722-7525, or submit the form below and we will contact you.